
VDA SME Day 2024

Written by HP Schlegelmilch | Jun 3, 2024 10:22:06 AM

Brain of Materials will participate as an exhibitor at this year's VDA e.V. Mittelstandstag in Bonn. The event will take place on June 5th and 6th, 2024, focusing on strengthening the location and suppliers in the automotive industry and the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a driver of transformation. 




Brain of Materials will participate as an exhibitor at this year's VDA e.V. Mittelstandstag in Bonn. The event will take place on June 5th and 6th, 2024, focusing on strengthening the location and suppliers in the automotive industry and the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a driver of transformation.


Key Topics of the VDA SMEs´ DAY (Mittelstandstag)

The key topics of the VDA Mittelstandstag 2024 are of particular relevance for the future competitiveness of Germany as an automotive hub. The main themes include:

  • Potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence: How can AI be used to foster innovation and increase efficiency?
  • Competitiveness of the German Automotive Industry: Strategies to secure and improve Germany's position in the global automotive industry.
  • Data Strategies and Use of AI in Production and Supply Chains: Utilizing data and AI to optimize production processes and supply chains.
  • Practical Examples from the Automotive Supplier Industry: Presentation of concrete use cases and successes.
  • Discussion of Political Frameworks: Necessary political measures for a competitive industrial location in Germany.


Distinguished Speakers

The event will feature contributions from leading figures in politics and industry, including:

  • Hendrik Wüst MdL, Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Oliver Zipse, CEO of BMW AG
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Wrobel, Head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS)
  • Daniela Schmitt MdL, Minister of Economy, Transport, Agriculture, and Viticulture of Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Hildegard Müller, President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)
  • Arndt G. Kirchhoff, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the KIRCHHOFF Group and Vice President of the VDA


Exhibition Area

The exhibition area will provide an overview of SME-specific services and cooperation opportunities. Additionally, innovations by automotive startups will be presented.


Participation of Brain of Materials

Brain of Materials will showcase its innovative SaaS platform, which significantly simplifies material selection and the PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) for experts along the supply chain. Our solution enables more efficient innovation, achieving cost savings of up to 45% through AI-enabled development and collaboration processes.

Our Support for Suppliers and OEMs in the PPAP Process:

  • Digital Requirements and Specifications: Provision of legal requirements and OEM delivery specifications in digital and machine-readable form to create digital test plans for material and performance tests.
  • Digital Test Standards: Provision of global test IDs (GTIDs) that correspond with the requirements of the delivery specifications. These include ISO, ASTM, SAEJ, and OEM-specific test standards, which are collected in a GTID library.
  • Automated Lab Reports: Integration of lab reports without manual copy/paste and download/upload operations.
  • Creation of Material and Component Performance Reports: Automated creation and provision of PPAP reports for TIER-1 and OEM.

Visit our stand at the VDA Mittelstandstag 2024 and learn more about how Brain of Materials is shaping the future of the automotive supplier industry. We look forward to engaging with you!

(Used photo-picture: rights ©VDA/RalfBauer / picture shows from left to right: Jürgen Mindel, Dr. Hans Peter Schlegelmilch, Natalie Mekelburger, Hildegard Müller, Roger Hermasch, Levi Beeck, Arndt G. Kirchhoff, Jens Bernhard)